Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes13-7539
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Volume 13 article 318 pages: 105-110

Tale Geramitchioski
University St. Clementius of Ohrid, Technical faculty, Bitola, Macedonia

The work gives image of the real condition of the cooperation between the business sector and faculties of technical sciences in education of mechanical engineers obtained through appropriate researches by using the instrument of survey questionnaire. The results point out defeated facts of total absence of cooperation, miss out in creation of study programs and profiles of mechanical engineers who graduate and who are not compatible with the market demand. The research enabled making difference of future challenges and suggesting possible steps towards problem solution. As a result of the research, the Centre for Teaching and Adopting New Technologies (CETANeT) was establish as a new institution to provide a new concept for real and intensive cooperation between University, state and the enterprises in the field of quality high education.

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