Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes13-8115
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Volume 13 article 324 pages: 155-160

Alexey Alexey Alekseevich Romanovich
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov, Belgorod, Russia

Bogdanov Vasiliy Stepanovich
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov, Belgorod, Russia

Liudmila Gennadievna Romanovich
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov, Belgorod, Russia

Dmitry Viktorovich Romanischin
Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov, Belgorod, Russia

In this article, a method of grinding material stepwise realized in the roller press mill and a ball mill, equipped with energy-exchange units (LEU). It was found that when using a ball mill, equipped with LEU, depending on the angle of rotation of the drum periodically changes its load level of grinding media in the chambers, and in the zone of active influence of LEU is lifted and to give them the longitudinal-transverse movement, characterized by, created in traditional mills. The technique of determining the power consumed by the mill is further equipped with energy-exchange units consumed for longitudinal movement of the grinding bodies in the grinding of materials, previously ground to a roller press mill. Presented equation for its calculation. The influence on the additional power consumption of the length of the first chamber, the angle of energy-exchange devices and load factors cameras grinding bodies. Comparative results obtained by experiment and calculations.

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The authors extend acknowledgements to the rector of BSTU, prof. Sergei Nikolaevich Glagolev for their assistance in organizing the study and publication of the results. *Work has been performed in the framework of Strategic Development Program at BSTU for 2012-2016.

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