ISSN: 1451-4117
E-ISSN: 1821-31977
Volume 8 article 169 pages: 22 - 26
Environmental performance evaluation (EPE) is an internal management process and tool designed to provide management with reliable and verifiable information on an ongoing basis to determine whether an organization’s environmental performance is meeting the criteria set by the management of the organization. Usually, some environmental impacts that one technological system can have, can be related to possible ecological risks that its operations are careening within. Design of EPE process enables us to incorporate some other management approaches in terms of environmental protection. The change from reactive to a proactive approach to management requires that risks should be identified and controlled before the first adverse event. Such an approach is in principle more effective, but also more challenging. Success demands the design and implementation of robust management systems that incorporate, among other things, clear policies, procedures for planning and implementing risk assessment and control, and suitable arrangements for monitoring and reviewing performance and so leading to continuous improvement. This paper examines one of possibilities how phases and results of EPE process can be simultaneously broaden on a process of management of ecological risk. In such way, one organization shortens the time needed for conducting all the processes, and gives the possibility for rationalization in resources, use of capacities and improves overall making process.
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