Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-10471
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Volume 14 article 360 pages: 109-114

Milan Spremic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Zlatko Markovic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Jelena Dobric
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Dragan Budjevac
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

The frequently applied solution for shear connection in steel and concrete precast composite structures is the discontinuous shear connection with a headed stud in group arrangement. Application of shear connection with headed studs in group arrangement and calculation of shear resistance for studs group in typical precast composite floor beam is presented. The possibility and feasibility of shear connection construction with headed studs in group arrangement was considered. It is shown that the shear connection in precast composite floor beams can be constructed with a group of four headed studs.

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