Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privreduJournal of Applied Engineering Science


DOI: 10.5937/jaes14-10907
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Volume 14 article 375 pages: 233-238

Branislav Micieta
University of Zilina, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Zilina, Slovakia

Jozef Hercko
University of Zilina, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Zilina, Slovakia

Milan Botka
Central European Institute of Technology, Zilina, Slovakia

Nenad Zrnic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

This paper describe concept of intelligent logistic for automotive industry created with value stream mapping. Automotive industry has been facing big impact of economic crisis in last years. European Commission prepared initiative to improve use of technology in automotive industry called Factories of the Future. This concept is using fourteen interrelated technology pillars to reach this goal. Application of this concept into automotive industry offer for company opportunity to be factory of the future with high level of competitiveness advantage.

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This paper is the part of research supported by project VEGA 1/0559/15.

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